Acne sufferers from all over the world want to improve their acne as quickly and effectively as possible to live a happier life. Some of these people will look to the acne relief products while others will look to fight it themselves. If you go down the product route it is important that you pick the right product to save money and get results. Below I have listed a few tips to help you maximize your use out of the number one acne relief product skinb5 and help you cure acne without products although it is recommended you use one.
Watch your diet
This applies to maximizing your usage with skinb5 and without it. It has been shown through evidence that a high glycemic diet can result in acne breakouts. Foods with a high glycemic index should be avoided or at least lowered in your diet. Examples of these kind of foods are generally starchy sugary fatty foods like donuts, biscuits, buns, baguettes etc.
Wash regularly with anti bacterial wash
Acne can be caused by bacteria build up. By using an antibacterial wash you should be able to kill most of the infection, it is not recommended you do this a lot because it can be rough on your skin. Instead I would recommend skinb5 face cleanser. It is perfect for washing skin and removing dirt, bacteria, oil and grease.
Exercise regularly
Stress build up can cause acne breakouts. This one applies to maximizing the use out of skinb5 and if you don't use it. Stress can cause inflammation of skin so whilst you are fighting acne it is recommended that are not stressed in any way. Relax more. Exercise is a good way of doing this and you will become healthier.
Use a mixture of skinb5 products for the best results
This one applies to skinb5 users. If you want to get rid of acne quickly and most effectively use more than one skinb5 product like I did. For example instead of using just the capsules you could use the skinb5 cleanser to treat the affected area in the morning and at night, you could then use the moisturiser to protect your skin and keep it clean for the day and then before you go to bed you could use the mask as a top up to clean your face from the days dirt and unclog pores. Remember in the meantime of all of that the capsules will be working form the inside, that is why I think I got good results quickly because I used the capsules the cleanser and the moisturiser. By using all of those products on a daily basis I'm pretty sure you will not kill your acne but over kill it.
If you follow those above tips I'm sure you will increase your chances of beating acne and improve your use out of skinb5. If you haven't already tried skinb5 yet and want to give it ago click here.